How To Change iTunes Backup Location In Windows 1110



[Win] 釋放C Drive空間:更改iTunes備份位置


hi how can change back up file location

2023年7月31日 — Basically you move the current backup to the external drive, then put a “symbolic link” to the moved backup where iTunes (or Finder on a Mac) ...

How do I backup my Iphone to my D

2018年10月27日 — How do I backup my Iphone to my D: drive on my new HP Laptop? It only wants to backup to C: drive and there is no space there. My iPhone will ...

How to change the iTunes backup location

Changing the iTunes iOS backup folder automatically · Download and install iPhone Backup Extractor. · Choose Preferences from the main menu · Select Backups from ...

How to Backup iPhone to External Hard Drive in 2024

2024年2月27日 — Open iTunes. Find iTunes in your applications. · Connect iPhone. Depending on your iPhone, connect it using a USB. · Backup iPhone · Folder Backup ...

How to Backup iPhone to External Hard Drive on Windows 11 ...

2023年9月27日 — 1. Open Finder on your Macbook, and open Backup folder. 2. Drag the iPhone backup you need to the external hard drive. Click OK to confirm ...

How to Backup iPhone to External Hard Drive

2024年4月4日 — Finally, navigate to the location on your external hard drive where you'd like to save your backup, then click Open to select the location.

5 Easy Ways to Backup an iPhone to an External Hard Drive

Move the Backup folder to your external hard drive. For example, if your external hard drive is D:-, you can click and drag the folder over to your D:- drive ...


電腦空間不足?!原來是iTunes作怪,把C槽塞爆。如何釋放iTunes所佔用的空間?我們可以把預設的備份位置,更改為較大空間的D槽或外置硬碟。含圖文+影片示範。,2023年7月31日—Basicallyyoumovethecurrentbackuptotheexternaldrive,thenputa“symboliclink”tothemovedbackupwhereiTunes(orFinderonaMac) ...,2018年10月27日—HowdoIbackupmyIphonetomyD:driveonmynewHPLaptop?ItonlywantstobackuptoC:driveandthereisnospacethere....